The Small Print
Please read the small print
Statement of Purpose
Terms & Conditions
Please Note: EPIC Solutions retains the right to decline any request for assessments where we consider it not being in the best interest of the child or family. Involvement in reports for education or legal processes will be at our discretion and at additional cost.
Policies and Procedures
EPIC Solutions aims to provide high quality and safe health services to meet your needs and that adhere to all the required standards of the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Policies that are directly relevant to you are available in full on this website.
Please note that all policies were reviewed by Karen Street, March 2023. Next review due March 2026.
- Access to Records
- Accessibility
- Adults at Risk
- Chaperone
- Complaints
- Confidentiality
- Consent
- Dignity and Respect
- Duty of Candour
- Equality and Diversity
- Fire Evacuation
- Home Visits
- Second Opinion Policy
- Telephone Consult
- Unpaid Invoices
- Virtual Consultation and Recording
- Working with Insurance Companies
- Working with NHS Services
- Zero Tolerance
Access to Records
Adults at Risk
Dignity & Respect
Duty of Candour
Equality & Diversity
Telephone Consult
Unpaid Invoices
Virtual Consultation & Recording
Working with Insurance Companies
Working with NHS Services
Zero Tolerance
Internal Policies
We also have the following internal policies which are available to you on request. Please get in contact with us to request them.
- Bullying and Harassment
- CQC Reporting Policy
- Criminal Record Information Policy
- Data Protection
- Disciplinary and Grievance Procedure
- Governance
- Health and Safety
- HR
- Infection Prevention and Control
- IT
- Manual Handling
- Medicines Management
- Mental Capacity
- Non-Medical Prescribing (“NMP”) Policy
- Risk Management
- Safeguarding Children
- Sickness Policy
- Significant, Critical Event
- Travel and off Site Visit Policy
- Whistle Blowing, Freedom to Speak Up
Website use
Terms & Conditions for website use
Cookies Policy
We really value your feedback. We have specific evaluation forms which we would be grateful if you could complete when your assessment/treatment with EPIC is finished, or at any other point in your care if you would like. We use this feedback to continually improve our services. If you would like to provide this more in depth feedback, please e-mail and the administration team will forward an evaluation form.
We are also grateful for any testimonials that we can display on our website for the benefit of prospective clients and also less in depth feedback. To provide this please: