Appointments & Service Pricing
The below are provided for guidance only, further information is available on request. We will always agree prices with you in advance of any assessments, therapeutic interventions or support. Where the request is a complex one from or for other organisations a price will be quoted and agreed before proceeding.
To make an enquiry about an initial assessment appointment, please e-mail the administration team on . Please include as much information as possible about your enquiry so this can be considered appropriately. Alternatively you can telephone the office on 01392 829989.
Initial Assessments
Consultant Led Initial Assessment Appointment
An in-depth individualised appointment lasting 1-1.5 hours for primary school aged children and younger. An assistant practitioner may join this appointment for very young children to engage with and observe your child, whilst you speak with the Consultant Paediatrician. A summary with recommendations will be provided.
An in depth individualised appointment lasting 1-2 hours for young people of secondary school age and older. This allows for separate time with young people and parents/carers as needed. A summary with recommendations will be provided.
An in depth individualised appointment lasting 1 hour for independent young adults.
Specialist Assessments and Pathways
The below is not exhaustive, prices are dependent on complexity, or for over 18 years, if other assessments are required. Where separate components are combined into a specialist pathway you will be advised regarding costs once our consultant/senior clinician has discussed the need with you.
ASD Assessment
Further exploration of PDA profile £1000
ADHD Assessment
For children under 8 years of age a school observation is required which will incur additional travel costs.
Combined Assessment for ASD and ADHD
For children under 8 years of age a school observation is required which will incur additional travel costs.
Neuro Psychological Assessments
This is the price range for separate components however these are mostly used as part of specialist assessment pathways.
Dyslexia Assessment
Dependent on whether this is being assessed in isolation or alongside other specialist pathways.
FASD Assessment
Price is dependent on number of brain domains requiring assessment and any previous assessment reports available
Trauma/Attachment Assessment
Speech and Language Assessment
Assessment of core receptive and expressive language skills (single session) ranging through to a highly specialised assessment of higher order language processing and interpretation (three or more sessions).
Occupational Therapist Assessment
Sensory processing OR motor skills assessment
Physical assessment of movement, coordination and musculoskeletal problems.
Specialist Dietitian Assessment/Support
Prices depend on level of assessment, support and reports/recommendations provided.
Therapies and Support
Detail regarding different therapies and why they are recommended will be discussed with you by your consultant or senior clinician
Therapy Sessions
Price is dependent on therapeutic modality and practitioner. Please note that some of our therapies are recommended as a block of sessions, prices available on request.
Consultant/Senior Clinician Follow-Up Appointments
Post diagnostic support packages
4 support sessions for parents/carers and/or young people with our specialist practitioners. Prices vary according to diagnosis and request.
Sleep Support
Two sessions to consider sleep hygiene and sleep diary before considering trial of Melatonin (included).
Group sessions/workshops
£25-50 per person
Medication must be initiated and reviewed by a Consultant or Specialist Nurse Prescriber. Some medications may be prescribed from an initial assessment appointment, most will require a separate medication initiation appointment.
Medication initiation appointment: £200-£300
Most medications require monitoring and titration in follow up appointments virtually or in person. Frequency varies according to the medication and will be discussed at the initiation. Commitment to recommended follow up is essential.
Follow up appointments: £100-£150
Some medications can be prescribed by your GP following our advice, others will require a shared care agreement, some may need continued prescriptions from EPIC. Prescription charges and postage/delivery options for repeat prescriptions from EPIC are outlined on our repeat prescriptions page.